Sunday, June 17, 2007

So Much For The Piracy BULL SHIT !! Movie Industry Profits Rose By 9 % Last Year !

After a disappointing 2005 , the major studios of US have received official confirmation from the Motion Picture Association of America (yeahh ! the bloody MPAA) that their "all-media-revenue" (which includes all the sources of money - theatrical releases , dvd , satellite rights et cetera) expanded by an impressive 9 % to reach $ 43 Billion .

The crzy part is , if they have a bunch of crappy releases in an year , the movies would obviously fail at the box office and when such a thing happens they would blame it on the rampant piracy .

Have a great year by having some good releases , the profits would rise expectedly and then these b#$%^* would pat their own bloody backs and credit the same to their efforts to combat and reduce piracy .

People are still willing to pay for quality stuff and that is something that the lousy $^%& at MPAA should realise !

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